Yellow Door Foundation

The Yellow Door Foundation provides free long-term housing to seriously ill children being treated at UVA Hospital, along with their families. This video was commissioned for their annual fundraising luncheon, which occurred on May 1, 2024.

Doug Burke Photography

Lexa Visuals partners with Doug Burke Photography to provide combined photo/video services to companies of all sizes. This marketing video was created following a corporate shoot at a biotech facility.

International Rescue Committee

The IRC has provided support to refugees from all different corners of the globe, being founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein. This video was commissioned to educate about the New Roots program, which provides plots of land to refugees in order to grow the types of food that they want to, and even sell it as a means of income.

Creative Mornings

Creative Mornings is a worldwide organization hosting monthly gatherings of creative professionals, complete with guest speakers and free breakfast.

Airbnb Listings

We have provided both videography and photography for various real estate and Airbnb listings.

Welcoming Greater Charlottesville

A presentation on global migration, given by UVA Migration Professor David Leblang. Sponsored by Welcoming Greater Charlottesville, hosted at The Center at Belvedere.

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